To avoid being tied forever to obsolete programs, we must be certain that all our data can be safely and easily copied into the new software at any time.
For databases containing customer and supplier addresses, or in the case of crm and commercial databases for marketing, we must be able to migrate the data without damaging its integrity. In fact it should be an opportunity to optimise the data by eliminating any duplicates (duplicate check) and correcting any errors caused by incorrect input or any changes that have been made in the meantime in local data due, for example, to administrative needs (e.g. changed postcodes, etc.).
Egon: simple, fast and precise data migration
This is where our software suite shows the best of itself.
Egon is cutting edge software based on the latest IT and web technology, including cloud computing enabling us to work directly via internet without any complicated local installations. Thanks to our efficient platform, data migration from one system to another is no longer a problem and becomes a valid opportunity to rapidly and automatically check all the data in all the company databases, to combine and correct them (eliminating duplicates) and reinstate them in the new systems.